Why is the KC Royals mascot’s name spelled so fucking stupid?
Can someone tell me why the Royals mascot’s name is spelled so dumb? According to the world wide fucking web called the internet, it’s spelled “Sluggerrr”, with 2 extra stupid r’s. The proper and correct way to spell his name is Slugger according to me. Plain and simple. I know why management added the 2 extra r’s at the end as they wanted to exaggerate the extra rrrrrrumble since he’s a fucking lion and lions roar. But here’s the real reason why I think it’s stupid and why it pisses me off so much.
Bobblehead purposes. If you go and search for the KC Royals mascot bobblehead on Ebay, 8/10 people don’t know how to spell it correctly and therefore, not all Slugger bobbleheads appear on the search page of Ebay. Don’t believe me? Go ahead and search Sluggerrr on Ebay and then search Slugger. All different ones show up on each search. It’s a pain in the ass and it SHOULD be spelled Slugger. Period.