When you score a bobble for your personal collection, does the value matter?

When you score a bobble for your personal collection, does the value matter?

If you’re keeping it, why would it matter? Unless your flipping it, the value shouldn’t matter. Or, are you thinking long term and eventually going to sell off your collection, then the value WOULD matter. I know a lot of collector’s that ask me how much this or that bobblehead is worth. Sometimes they have a pretty rare one and I give them an accurate value and they jump over joy! Okay, good. I next ask them what they are going to do with it. 90% of the time they say they’re keeping it for their personal collection. So why the fuck ask me how much it’s worth? To feel better about it? 

Value should only matter when you’re selling a bobble. I guess you can feel good about yourself if you have a lot of valuable bobbles in your collection, but if you’re keeping them for the long run, why does it matter?

Bobble of the Day “Sluggerrr vs. Fredbird” Show-Me Series Rival Bobblehead

Bobble of the Day

Mascots: Sluggerrr vs. Fredbird (Show-me Series)

Teams: Kansas City Royals/St. Louis Cardinals

Year: 2018

Manufacturer: Forever Collectibles

There’s nothing better than 2 rival team’s mascots going at each other with closed fists. The competitiveness of two historical franchises and their loyal fans is just not enough. There’s gotta be some other type of way to get underneath the opponents skin, and mascots are the perfect cure. Fredbird and Sluggerrr (yes the exaggerated r’s at the end) dislike each other tremendously and the fellas over at the Bobblehead Hall of Fame acted upon their differences between each other. 

The amount of “pop” on this bobblehead is incredible. Fredbird and Sluggerrr are both in fighting stances ready to pummel each other. Sluggerrr definitely has the height advantage but Fredbird is much more “round” and has the weight advantage. Just think, we are looking at a bird versus a lion for christ’s sake. Who would you take in this brawl?






Sniper Rating: The letters aren’t “raised” and that surely has a few points deducted from the overall concept of the bobble. The top of the base is deluxe, as the KC and Cardinals logo is front and center along with the baseball stitches. Most will think this is an over priced bobble at $75.00 but you’re wrong. To manufacture this particular bobblehead is very expensive. Many collector’s don’t know the in’s and outs of the shipping freight, boxing, materials etc.

If you love mascots and especially either one of these teams, don’t think twice about clicking the purchase button. This duel Sluggerrr Fredbird mascot rival bobble, easily weighs 4.5lbs and will fit nice and snug within your display cabinet. Head over to the Bobblehead Hall of Fame (link below) and watch the eyes of your friends stay glued to this one. A 9.0 rating as it doesn’t get much better than this for a “Rival” mascot duel bobblehead. 

MLB Rivalry Bobbleheads

Bobble of the Day “Barry Zito” USC Trojans SGA Bobblehead

Bobble of the Day

Player: Barry Zito

Team: USC Trojans

Year: 2018

Manufacturer: Success Promotions 

It was hard to watch Barry Zito pitch after he got that humongous billion dollar contract, as he continually got lit up light a Christmas tree. Prior to this big contract, he was pretty much lights out. He had a curveball that would bend your dick in half on any count. I’m not sure if the guitar playing or the weed got to his head, but soon after he sucked in the worse way. He’ll be remembered as an above average pitcher in the bigs and rightfully so. 

I had no idea that he went to USC until a fellow Sniper tipped me off on this bobblehead. As you should know from previous blogs, any USC SGA bobblehead is highly collectible no matter what. And now we have a special treat with Mr. Zito in his USC get up. 

Barry has an open stance ready to spin a curveball that falls right off the table. The high cardinal stirrups is a vintage but classic look. Everything from the letters on front of the base to the front and back of his jersey are all raised. Success Promotions wasn’t fucking around when they manufactured this one. Another precision detail is the “slanted” pitching mound. Success could have made a flat ground mound but no. The company cares enough to please us collector’s and they slanted the mound to look authentic so job well done by Success.




Sniper Rating: It goes without saying that Barry’s face and hair look very similar to him in real life. Is it “exactly” the same? No, but it’s pretty damn close and that’s all we as collector’s care about. Finally, the box has a high gloss feel and there’s a bunch of photo’s and stats of Mr. Zito. I dig the USC slogan of “Fight On” on the side of the box as that’s what the Trojans live and breathe for. Overall, Barry Zito was an above average pitcher but we’re talking USC here. That means this Barry Zito USC bobblehead needs to be in your display cabinet asap. Success Promotions absolutely nailed this bobble for the Trojan faithful and Barry scores a 9.5 rating. 

Is “racking” at a bobblehead game really all that it’s cracked up to be?

Is “racking” at a bobblehead game really all that it’s cracked up to be?

For those of you who don’t know what the term “racking” is within the bobblehead game, here’s a brief explanation. When you go to a SGA bobble game and you Snipe a ton of bobbles and I mean a ton. Not 10, not 15, not 20, I mean like 30-50.  A whole rack of bobbleheads that fills your entire trunk, is “racking”. There’s less than a dozen collector’s that I know of who legitimately “rack” on a consistent basis. This takes a piss load of time and a shit ton of hustle. It’s an absolute grind the entire game. 

Now the question is, whether you can “rack” or not, how important is it? Is it super important to walk back to your car with 40 bobbleheads, or is 15 just fine? A lot of Ebay and Facebook sellers (pre-sell) bobbles a lot, so getting enough to cover your pre-sales is a must. I’m very cautious when pre-selling as I want to be prepared if anything bad happens at the game. I for one, do not like pre-selling a lot of bobbles before a game just as a precaution. And personally, I don’t need 40 bobbleheads. 40-50 bobbleheads is fucking great, but I just don’t have the room in the bobble cave. I’m already up to my nut sack down there and racking 40 something bobbles will just add more of a headache. I don’t give a shit how much they are worth on the open market, but 12-18 is perfectly fine for me. 

I had my days 6-8 years ago where I couldn’t see out my back window because of so many bobbles. Those days are long gone. Time, family and just way to many bobbles in the cave put an immediate end to that. And I’m happy with it. 

Bobble of the Day Aaron Judge “All Rise” Nickname Bobblehead

Bobble of the Day

Player: Aaron Judge

Team: New York Yankees

Year: 2018

Manufacturer: Forever Collectibles

There’s certain elements you need to look for within a bobblehead in order for it to qualify to be on bobblesniper.com. A few weeks ago, I highlighted the Syndergaard “Thor” Nickname bobble and now we have the Aaron Judge one. Without question, the “All Rise” hype for this guy is fucking tremendous and he’s only in his 3rd year in the bigs. Let me make this clear that Aaron Judge will be spoken about like Babe Ruth one day. Yes, I know it’s a bold statement but you can’t deny that it may very well be true. He’s a fucking monster and will hit a gazillion more homeruns before he hangs it up. On to the bobble.

Like the Thor Nickname bobblehead, the name “All Rise” is written on the front of the base in white raised letters so we know FOCO didn’t half ass this masterpiece. Judge of course is in his “HR” stance with his weekend jersey and crazy colored socks on. I love these socks more than the bobble itself. Why? Because it stands out and bobbleheads that have pop belong in your display cabinet.




Sniper Rating: These “Nickname” bobbles have a shit ton of swag to them and the fact that the player has his nickname on the back plate makes it even more deluxe. These are the only two nickname ones that reside in the bobble cave but i plan on getting more. I highly recommend you score this New York Yankees Aaron Judge All Rise bobblehead. 

Head over to the Bobblehead Hall of Fame and tell them the Sniper sent you.