Motivational Thursday

My high school yearbook quote was “Don’t hesitate to take advantage of an opportunity.” I still stand by that statement and so should you. You need to have the awareness that when an opportunity comes, you gotta JUMP right at it! Whether it’s a new position at work or a new sales deal, you have to drag your ass through that door. We are all adults and our mommies won’t be there to guide you through life. Take that opportunity and pounce at it before it disappears. 

Motivational Monday

Everyone wants the end result without putting in the work. They want the big house, the 6 cars, the flashy jewelry, but they want results by not doing shit. Running the marathon represents the work that you must put forth in order to celebrate at the finish line.  

Motivational Friday

If you haven’t seen the movie Rudy then spend a few hours watching it. The dude was 5 foot nothing, 155 pounds soaking wet and didn’t have an ounce of talent. What he wanted most was to play on the field for only one snap. He NEVER GAVE UP. Period! The moral of the story is you don’t need talent to make it. As long as your work your face off, good things will come! He showed up, put the work in and had the best ambition on the entire team. Learn from Rudy as he is the definition of HUSTLE! 

Motivational Wednesday

Just a god awful story. Hearing the passing of a nice guy that many of us cheered for is gut wrenching. This puts a lot of things into perspective. This shit is bigger than baseball, sports, competing and more importantly bobbleheads. You never want to hear this type of news at all. Roy was always nice in front of the camera and a surgical pitcher. Fucking dominate to say the least! What’s even more sad, is the fact that Doc left behind a wife and two kiddos. As a father of two, I literally had tears flowing down my face. Just awful as I’m sure he was enjoying his retired life and well deserved. 

And as a reminder, live your life how YOU want to. You never know when the big guy upstairs is ready to call your number. 

Motivational Friday

There’s a lot of people that are not realizing something that is currently going on right now. We are existing in a world where there are millions of opportunities to make money and become successful with the touch of a button.

We are living in a world that you can literally sit butt ass naked in your bed and do something productive!  When you’re taking a shit, no matter where you are! 20 years ago we never had tablets and Smartphones. Things are much easier by using these utensils that they expose us to UNREAL FUCKING THINGS! I was on a train last weekend on my way to MSG to watch the Rangers game and I wrote a full blog just by riding the train. You can pay bills, transfer money, buy a set of dishes, ANYTHING! More importantly, you can connect to your audience and business partners by holding the device in your hand. 

Please, utilize the tremendous amounts of technology we have as we are living in the greatest era! No matter what age you are, if you haven’t jumped on the technology wagon then you’re fucking stubborn in your own ways! 2017, right now and I mean right now, you have these platforms to do great things! 

This year is the greatest year in the history of mankind! Don’t waste an opportunity and REALIZE THAT! 


Motivational Tuesday

It’s how you treat people. It always has been and always will be. I know I leave every customer with a positive experience everytime I ship them a bobblehead they’ve purchased. Whether it’s throwing in some stickers, excellent packaging, a business card holder, you name it. Leave the person feeling that they’ve won and they always come back. Word of mouth is the most important factor in becoming successful. Leave that person feeling good about their experience and your trademark will speak for itself.