Bobble of the Day
Mascot: Mr. Met (Thanksgiving)
Team: New York Mets
Year: 2015 (Bobble of the Month)
Manufacturer: Forever Collectibles
Mr. Met Thanksgiving “Bobble of the Day”! Did you expect anything else on Thanksgiving? Who doesn’t like Thanksgiving? It’s a great time to see family, shove your face with food and watch NFL foots. I’m so glad during the 2015 series of the Bobble of the Month, that the Mets did a Thanksgiving theme. An American tradition like no other.
First and foremost is Mr. Met is dressed like a pilgrim with the brown top hat and his brown top and bottom. He’s holding a turkey getting ready to carve it and to me it looks like a solid 20 pounder. Not only does the head bobble (obviously) but his left left arm as he’s holding what looks to be a silver fork. A lot of detail went into this one and FOCO needs some praise. The base is a shiny chrome color with raised lettering as it says, “Thanksgiving”. I’m pleased they put Thanksgiving on the front as opposed to Mr. Met because it’s Turkey day after all!
Sniper Rating: This is one year in which you can bust this bad boy out. The Sniper is hosting Thanksgiving today as I have a full house of 18 people coming by. This will definitely be displayed as everyone needs to see it. Once Thanksgiving is over, it goes right back into the Curio Cabinet until next year. If you happen to have this one, take it out, show it off and appreciate and be thankful that you can celebrate this holiday with family, friends and your Mr. Met Thanksgiving Day bobblehead.
Overall, I dig this one a lot but I’d would have liked to see maybe some pumpkins or cranberry sauce sitting on top of the base. I guess I’m being picky but that’s what I do. I review bobbles and I want more! Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving Snipers and Mr. Met in his pilgrim outfit gets a 9.0.
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