You’ll find an incredible amount of freedom when you learn to not take things personally.

When you decide that people’s opinion about what you do or say, should not be your concern and you’ll find life gets easier. You need to stay focused on what is important to you and not to anyone else. Surround yourself with like minded people who support each other in every way. Level up your game and make sure that you are happy with what you do in life. People and so called “haters” will always try and road block you in many ways. They are jealous, they are selfish and more importantly they are nobodies. Is it hard to walk away from someone saying shit about you? Fuck ya it is. But here’s the thing. When you start hearing things about you in a negative way and people start saying shit that pisses you off, you have to understand your succeeding. Your doing something right and your working your ass off. People tend to get jealous all the time of other’s success and it’s almost a good thing that people are saying shit about you. You know you’ve made it when you have people talking shit. Keep to your goals and keep in the back of your mind that you won’t listen to those people and eventually you’ll curb stomp the fuck out of them.