Motivational Thursday

Laugh and smile more. We only live on this green earth for so long. You never know when your last day will be. Do yourself a favor and laugh at a joke that’s not funny even to make the person telling it feel good. Watch a comedy movie and chuckle your ass off. We are so stuck in this rat race and all the shit going on with these hurricanes and people losing everything including their lives, we need to be more positive. Make sure you laugh today. 

Motivational Monday

Have you ever heard your high school basketball coach say, “True character is putting in the work when no one is watching”?

Well, he’s right. You don’t have to bust your ass when your co-workers are nearby just to show your working hard. Do that shit behind closed doors! Stay late. Work after everyone is sleeping. Your results will come out eventually and people will always ask you, “How’d you do that?” That’s when you say, ” Well, you decided to go out to happy hour every Friday and I stayed and worked my face off while you slammed 8 beers and talked about how Suzie is not pulling her own weight”. 

Motivational Thursday

It doesn’t matter one friggin bit the failures that you have gone through. People can laugh all they want, but in the end you are trying. You WILL be successful. Remember, these people who are laughing and ridiculing you haven’t even started yet. Keep grinding!

Motivational Tuesday

Stick to your DNA. 

Be who you are. Don’t change to be accepted by others. You are your own person and that will carry you to bigger and better things. Stick to what you know, work hard and I promise you will succeed in whatever it is you do.

Motivational Monday

Never apologize for who you are. 

Be proud of who you are and treat others and show some love. Rather than not accepting who you are and spending your time tearing down others because of your insecurities. 

The definition of a human being is to care.

The definition of a good human being is to care. 

A simple gesture of helping someone will build personal character. Thinking and caring for others is what makes our society strong. Granted our world recently has been in shambles, it’s always a good thing to help people no matter what color, age, gender etc.

Listen, I have a full time job. I have a family to support. I receive a ton of emails and DM’s DAILY from many people asking me questions. I can easily disregard them and move on to what it is that I’m doing. I choose not to. I care to much. I respond to EVERYONE because I want to help. There’s a fine line between work, family life and others activities. I would rather communicate and help you guys rather than watching a TV show on a Tuesday night. It means more to me and I have it instilled in my heart to help people rather than waste time watching a show that means NOTHING in the long run.